
Hi, my name is Wile E. Willie and I am what would be commonly considered an “Average Joe” or “John Q. Citizen” that just happened to have gotten so pissed off at the general public, the lawlessness, the outrageous claims and lies and general stupidity not only from our society as a whole but the people who have been elected to run this organization. Notice, I did not say leaders! For the most part these pin-heads are absolutely responsible for the tearing down of our society. The only thing worse is the ignorant, dumb-ass, SOB’s that have elected these socialistic pricks into office.

By the way, if you have not picked up on it yet (which means you might be an ignorant baboon) I am not politically correct, don’t believe in all the woke-ness crap and think people ought to work instead of sitting on their sofas collecting shit from the government. Don’t get me wrong i believe in a hand-up but not a hand-out!

So there it is, to the right is a list of topics that will continually grow (in reverse chronological order). Each topic will have it’s issue stated followed by unique perspective, please enter a comment of your own but, be prepared to be lambasted if you throw out any dumbass comments which I am eagerly anticipating.

If you want to contact me directly outside of the comment section on each page, please do so bye mailing me from the link at the top pf the page.

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